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Timely Manor

Welcome to my virtual salon. Please, come in and do stay awhile.

The Contessa's dream:

...And someday, I shall have a grand mansion where we all can meet, and I will call it "Timely Manor."

Timely: occurring at a suitable or opportune time; well-timed

Manor: the main house on an estate; a mansion

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

What was the #1 song on the day you were born?

Click here to find out!

Mine was "Baby Love" by The Supremes. (I've always liked that song.)

What was yours?...


At 8/12/2008 9:21 PM, Blogger Colleen Franklin said...

Mine was "The Streak" by Ray Stevens. I just listened to a bit of it on iTunes, and it's gotta be the dumbest thing to come out of 1974. Why it was #1 is beyond me. Clearly, I was born not a moment too soon-America needed me.

At 8/14/2008 11:32 PM, Blogger Zip n Tizzy said...

Candy Man!
Hope to see you next week.

At 8/21/2008 3:18 PM, Blogger The Contessa said...


Wow, you were not a big winner in the #1-hit-on-your-bday lottery, were you?... ;]
I'm just glad you were born, period!

At 8/21/2008 3:20 PM, Blogger The Contessa said...


Candy Man! Now, there's a good song to welcome you into the world! :]

I hope we can get together while you're here! I'd love to have a visit with you and to see Z & T, too!



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