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Timely Manor

Welcome to my virtual salon. Please, come in and do stay awhile.

The Contessa's dream:

...And someday, I shall have a grand mansion where we all can meet, and I will call it "Timely Manor."

Timely: occurring at a suitable or opportune time; well-timed

Manor: the main house on an estate; a mansion

Friday, December 09, 2005

The "ex" files, Part Deux

Here's the score:

1) I haven't sent a reply to J.

2) N called again this morning. We talked for over half an hour. He told me I'm the only woman he's ever loved. We haven't spoken to or seen each other in over two years and he's still pining for me.

3) I have not heard back from S. The ONE of the three I'd _like_ to hear from, but no.

C'est la vie!


At 12/12/2005 6:49 PM, Blogger Carmen said...

Hey Babe, be strong, you are worth it! You are worth a man who can find jesus, tell the truth, stay sober and work a real job.

At 12/19/2005 12:58 AM, Blogger The Contessa said...

Thank you my dear. I do agree, and I'm trying, but (as you well know) waiting can be _so_ difficult at times.

At 12/19/2005 12:59 AM, Blogger The Contessa said...

Hey, are you insinuating that playing music for a living isn't a "real" job? Or was it one of the others you were dissing? Or was it all of them? ;]

At 12/29/2005 8:23 PM, Blogger mikeofearthsea said...

" Camille said...
Hey Babe, be strong, you are worth it! You are worth a man who can find jesus, tell the truth, stay sober and work a real job."

Hey guys. Isn't that it though. Why do I find those simple requirements so tough? (I don't get druck, but I have my own demons; I don't make enough (yet) so that Stef can stay home and have kids which see wants to do), I love Jesus, am saved and sanctified, but I grovel in sin every day; at least I'm doning ok - not perfect - on telling the truth. Why is that so hard for guys of this generation?

Obviously, you deserve that, Contessa, and so much more. I find myself so often falling and appealing to the Mercy of our Creator to send you guys "your other rib" (so to speak). It's funny how blogging with three girls from California helps me identify more with the often refreshing girl perspective on life.

Of course, the four blondes in my former department (ages 22, 28 , 42, 52) agreed that it was a good move for me when I got promoted to another department and away from their 8 hrs. (interspersed with work) of drama each day... ;-)


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