A few days in the life of the Contessa
Wednesday 12/14: Home group at Naba's. Mama J was having a "girls' night out" so I got extra time with Baby D. Joy! Oh, and we had a pretty cool discussion too. (The group, that is, not me & Baby D.)
Thursday 12/15: Fabulous reception for the opening of the VFC/1st Pres. Advent Art Exhibit. The food was to die for! The art was nice too. :]
Friday 12/16: Private party at Bimbo's 365 Club. The theme was "Old Hollywood" providing me with the ideal opportunity to wear my vintage 1935 "Miss Hollywood" dress (floor length, black silk, fits me like a dream). I got to stroll around this spectacular 1930s nightclub with the confidence of someone who knows they're more perfectly attired for the occasion than anyone else in the joint. And I got to dance with Fred Astaire. Divine!
Saturday 12/17: Brekkie with The Celestial One at our favorite breakfast joint. We talked and laughed for about three hours before leaving the place. Such fun! Later, Camille came over to use "the girl" (my iBook) because 327 is currently without an internet connection. While she blogged and checked email, I worked on Christmas--excuse me--"Holiday" cards for my clients. Saturday night was "Boomeria" which involved a rather harrowing drive up some mighty dark, wet, winding roads, a castle, catacombs, and an amazing 2500-pipe organ which accompanied a chorus of Christmas Carols. It was wonderful!
Sunday 12/18: Still rather stormy, so The Celestial One, Camille and I went to the mall for a good power walk. Worked up a decent "glow" and finished my Christmas shopping too. Sunday evening, I arrived late to the Vintage Faith Church service, but had a nice chat with Naba and got to catch up a bit with The Molly. Then off to the annual White Elephant party at the Elevens' house. Some of the most sought-after items were a purse made from a taxidermied frog (yes, a real frog), a scripture-quoting stuffed bear (no, not a real bear), a talking Napolean Dynamite keychain, and a lighter in the shape of a falcon's head that made a falcon-like noise when opened, and burned a green flame. Big fun!
Well, that's what I've been up to for the past few days, in case you were curious. I've already stayed up later than I should've, given the busy work week ahead of me, so I'll close now. I hope to have more time for "deep thoughts" after Christmas. In the meantime, have a very Merry Holiday!
Hey Darling,
I am back online. 327 is wired again! Its pouring rain, missing, you and thinking that you are busy working hard for the VQ right now.
hey Darling,
totally missing you tonight. I wrote about your video collection.
You girls inspired me not just to comment put to post again. Can't say for sure how frequesnt I will be on until school starts again on JAN 30 but its good to start catching up with you guys.
Refresh my lack of knowlege of California geography. What metropolis besides Santa Cruz are the three girls and VCF located?
-moes =)
is your computer feeling better yet?
Hey, I'm reading Me Talk Pretty One Day and David Sedaris talks about the Barefoot Contessa! Which led me to think of my own dear Contessa and wonder how she is doing. So, what's the rumpus? :)
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