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Timely Manor

Welcome to my virtual salon. Please, come in and do stay awhile.

The Contessa's dream:

...And someday, I shall have a grand mansion where we all can meet, and I will call it "Timely Manor."

Timely: occurring at a suitable or opportune time; well-timed

Manor: the main house on an estate; a mansion

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Reflections on Valentine's Day

Just after midnight, Valentine's Day 2006

Ever since watching "Love Actually" with some friends a month or so ago, I've had this mental image of a heart broken into a million little pieces. (If you've seen the film, you know what I'm referring to.) As the main menu screen came up with the aforementioned image, I said, "That's what my heart looks like."

The other night I was talking to Camille about S.C. (the comedian). I was telling her how last time he and I spent time together it was all "I love you's" and "When will I see you again?" and then... Nothing. And I started thinking about how each man I've fallen in love with has taken a little piece of my heart. [Cue Janice Joplin] So there are all of these men walking around with little pieces of my heart, and they don't even know it. Going as far back as A.D., when I was just 20 years old--yes, even _he_ is still walking around with a little piece of my heart. My first true love, right? And my first major heartbreak.

I think everyone needs to have their heart broken, at least once, so that they know what it feels like, so they can have compassion for the rest of us; because there are an awful lot of us "walking wounded" in the world, merely existing day-to-day, hiding behind weak smiles, wanting to feel whole again and wondering if we ever will. I think, most of the time, those who leave us with broken hearts have no idea how much they've hurt us, no idea of the pain and damage they've caused. Yet life goes on.


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