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Timely Manor

Welcome to my virtual salon. Please, come in and do stay awhile.

The Contessa's dream:

...And someday, I shall have a grand mansion where we all can meet, and I will call it "Timely Manor."

Timely: occurring at a suitable or opportune time; well-timed

Manor: the main house on an estate; a mansion

Monday, December 19, 2005

A few days in the life of the Contessa

Wednesday 12/14: Home group at Naba's. Mama J was having a "girls' night out" so I got extra time with Baby D. Joy! Oh, and we had a pretty cool discussion too. (The group, that is, not me & Baby D.)

Thursday 12/15: Fabulous reception for the opening of the VFC/1st Pres. Advent Art Exhibit. The food was to die for! The art was nice too. :]

Friday 12/16: Private party at Bimbo's 365 Club. The theme was "Old Hollywood" providing me with the ideal opportunity to wear my vintage 1935 "Miss Hollywood" dress (floor length, black silk, fits me like a dream). I got to stroll around this spectacular 1930s nightclub with the confidence of someone who knows they're more perfectly attired for the occasion than anyone else in the joint. And I got to dance with Fred Astaire. Divine!

Saturday 12/17: Brekkie with The Celestial One at our favorite breakfast joint. We talked and laughed for about three hours before leaving the place. Such fun! Later, Camille came over to use "the girl" (my iBook) because 327 is currently without an internet connection. While she blogged and checked email, I worked on Christmas--excuse me--"Holiday" cards for my clients. Saturday night was "Boomeria" which involved a rather harrowing drive up some mighty dark, wet, winding roads, a castle, catacombs, and an amazing 2500-pipe organ which accompanied a chorus of Christmas Carols. It was wonderful!

Sunday 12/18: Still rather stormy, so The Celestial One, Camille and I went to the mall for a good power walk. Worked up a decent "glow" and finished my Christmas shopping too. Sunday evening, I arrived late to the Vintage Faith Church service, but had a nice chat with Naba and got to catch up a bit with The Molly. Then off to the annual White Elephant party at the Elevens' house. Some of the most sought-after items were a purse made from a taxidermied frog (yes, a real frog), a scripture-quoting stuffed bear (no, not a real bear), a talking Napolean Dynamite keychain, and a lighter in the shape of a falcon's head that made a falcon-like noise when opened, and burned a green flame. Big fun!

Well, that's what I've been up to for the past few days, in case you were curious. I've already stayed up later than I should've, given the busy work week ahead of me, so I'll close now. I hope to have more time for "deep thoughts" after Christmas. In the meantime, have a very Merry Holiday!

Friday, December 09, 2005

The "ex" files, Part Deux

Here's the score:

1) I haven't sent a reply to J.

2) N called again this morning. We talked for over half an hour. He told me I'm the only woman he's ever loved. We haven't spoken to or seen each other in over two years and he's still pining for me.

3) I have not heard back from S. The ONE of the three I'd _like_ to hear from, but no.

C'est la vie!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Sleep-deprivation euphoria

I was looking back over my post from last Friday and it struck me that it seemed inappropriately light-hearted, given the heaviness of the night before. I attribute this to the odd phenomena I know as "sleep deprivation euphoria," which I imagine some, if not all of you have experienced at some point in your life.

Or perhaps it was simply the grace of God.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The "ex" files

First, S showed up for my bday celebration. I was delighted. Then N called last week. I was completely caught off guard (not in a good way). Then, this morning, an email from J. Truly mixed feelings about this one. For months I've successfully resisted the temptation to call or write to him, and now this. He misses me. Why does that get to me? I guess it's because I want to believe that I matter to him. So I spent nearly two hours composing a reply, which I haven't sent. Better sleep on it and
see how I feel tomorrow. Speaking of sleep, I'd better get some.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Potential Blog Entries

Hello dear readers,

I'm sorry I haven't been writing lately. 'Tis the season for extra long hours at work and social engagements "a plenty." It's all I can do to keep up with reading my dear friends' blogs. (C, I finally caught up on yours this morning--who needs sleep?!)

Over the past few weeks, I have come up with several titles for potential blog posts, but haven't taken the time (or expended the brainpower) to actually sit down and type out the posts. Here are a few of the titles:

Potential Birthday blog entries:

Feeling the Love

A Nearly Perfect Day

Missing Matt Nathanson

Potential "Today" blog entries:

Pain-Aid is my friend

Sleep? Who needs sleep?

The Joy of Jasmine Tea

The surrealism of sleep deprivation

Are you seeing a trend here? Well, before you let your mind wander off, thinking I spent last night doing something illicit, just stop. I was simply helping a friend in need. Once again, the freedom afforded me by my state of singleness and the flexibility of my jobs allowed me to say, "I'm here for you!" without hesitation. I love my friends and would truly do just about anything for them, and, although I _have_ done my share of complaining lately, I _do_ love my life.

Sorry, that's all I've got for now. Duty calls. (Back to work!)

However, before I go, in the spirit of the season, I want to express, once again, how very grateful I am for my many, many wonderful friends--my life would be hollow without you. God bless you, every one.